The piriformis muscle is a flat muscle located deep in the buttock near the hip joint. It stabilizes the hip joint but also assists with external rotation. The sciatic nerve passes close to this muscle and sometimes even passes through the muscle. Symptoms usually start with pain, tingling or numbness in the buttocks. With compression of the sciatic nerve pain can also radiate down into the leg. This can also occur when sitting or running. There is no definite test and often the history provides important clues. Often MR imaging is required to exclude other causes such as a symptomatic disc prolapse. Nonoperative treatment includes rest, ice, anti-inflammatory medication and physical therapy. Local ultrasound guided injections can also be helpful. In the rare case of persistent non-resolving symptoms release of the piriformis muscle can be performed.

Piriformis Syndrome Dubai
Piriformis Syndrome

Keywords: Piriformis Syndrome Dubai, Hip Joints Doctors in Dubai