The hamstring muscle group are important muscles for knee flexion but also hip extension. The muscle or tendon can either be strained or torn. A strain tends  to heal readily. A complete tear may heal but it will take many months to heal. In a severe injury the tendon tears away from the bone completely. This is called an avulsion injury as a strong contraction of the hamstring muscles pull the tendon off the bone; occasionally with a small piece of bone from the ischial tuberosity. The typical event is a sudden acceleration or deceleration movement resulting in large and sudden loads. Risk factors for strain or tear include tightness, muscle imbalance, muscle fatigue, poor conditioning and activity (soccer, rugby runners, sprinters,  dancers and older athletes. A sudden sharp pain is felt in the back of the thigh and/or gluteal fold. Swelling, bruising and weakness are additional symptoms. For an acute complete avulsion surgery is recommended whereas a chronic and old tear should be treated with physical therapy.

Proximal Hamstring Strain or Tear Dubai
Proximal Hamstring S Tear

Keywords: Proximal Hamstring Strain, Proximal Hamstring Strain Tear